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Q: What content is available?

A: There are courses and instructional videos for multiple topics related to emergency medicine. Just check the “All CME Courses” page and the “Journal Articles” to see what is available. We are always expanding our content library to include new clinical education topics.

Q: Who is this learning material designed for?

A: Great question! We started out creating material for paramedics of all levels. We were serving EMR, PCP, ACP, CCP and all of the intermediate stages as well. Over the years we saw our membership grow to include nurses, respiratory thersapists, physician assistants, physicians and even a few lab techs. Our primary mission is still to serve the paramedic community.

Q: I need to earn CME credit every year. Can you help me?

A: Absolutely! This is what CMESurfer is really built for at its core. While we always strive to bring fresh and exciting content and expand our library, this is actually not neccesary to fulfill CME cedit requirements. All that you have to do is “reset progress” on your courses annually and review the most current version of the material! The reset option is found on your “Dashboard

Q: Can content be accessed from any computer? Can I use the site on my phone or tablet?

A: Yes, CMESurfer has a fully responsive design that will work on any device. A connection to the Internet is required and its best practice to use the latest version of your browser.

Help, Support and Questions

Q: How can I register myself for E-learning? 

A: Thats an easy one! Just click through to the “Membership page and choose the plan that suits you best!

Q: Does content need to be completed in one sitting, or can I come back at a later time?

A: Learners can proceed at their own pace and can return to a course at any time. Like the people we serve, CMESurfer is here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Content can also be reset annually and reviewed for a refresher to earn current CME credit. 

Q: Is my progress tracked?

A: Yes, CMESurfer tracks your registration, enrollments, course status (Not Started, Incomplete, or Completed), and grades. All of this is part of providing you a quality experience and an accredited, recognized CME training program.

Q: Are certificates available after courses are completed?

A: Yes, certificates are provided after competing a course. These are emailed to you and are available on your dashboard. Certificates include information required by reguatory bodies and colleges including: name, date of completion, length of the course and NOCP objectives. 

Q: Can I earn an endorsement on my practice permit with this training?

Please note that at this time, the training is approved for members to claim for CE credits only.  Most practice endorsements require hands-on training and are not suited to an online program. Completing this training will not give you the permit to perform these skills in your practice.  

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